Buyers required – South

Looking for a business to purchase in the South ?

Not getting the deal flow you require ?

Let Auxilium support you to buy the business which will change your future.

We are aware of a large number of private businesses which are for sale in the South. These sort of businesses represent an excellent opportunity for a private buyer to make an acquisition.

Typically, the sort of businesses we access are those looking for a retirement sale; have ebitda between £300k-£1m and also where the existing shareholder(s) is/are keen to remain involved in the business.

We can work with you to handle the acquisition process, including initial introduction to relevant deals; offer management; funding search and all the necessary corporate finance work to take the deal through to completion.

The attachment below gives a flavour of the sort of businesses we are aware of in January 2020.

If you would like to discuss our service and the sort of businesses which we can access for you, feel free to contact Paul Griffiths on 07802 716996 or email him at

We look forward to a conversation with you.

Auxilium buyers in the south Jan2020